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RUBIKA Houdini certified for the 4th consecutive year

10 September 2021 School news
Viewed 228 times

For the fourth consecutive year, RUBIKA is one of the schools certified by the SideFX company for its Houdini software.
The Houdini certification validates the quality of our training and the use of this professional software by our students.

To obtain this certification, RUBIKA submitted an application file as well as a video showreel compiling the end-of-studies projects of our 3D animation students.
More than a simple montage, this video aims to explain the use of the Houdini software and the associated projects. Our file was then studied (and validated) by an internal commission at SideFX, composed of professionals working in the largest production studios.

By being part of the Houdini Certified Partner Program, RUBIKA benefits from visibility on the SideFX platform and therefore with professionals in the 3D image sector. It also allows our stakeholders (students, educational teams) to benefit from the software for free for a period of one year.



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