The Bureau
The Bureau deals with the everyday business of the association. It manages the association’s finances and administration. Its purpose is to build, with volunteering members, different projects which would tie alumnus’ links.
The Bureau works hand in hand with the Management Board. With the MB’s approval, it builds a global strategy for the length of its mandate, a budget and any other initiatives.
It is composed of a President, a Treasurer, a Secretary and one or multiple alternate members. They are all elected by a general meeting for one year.
If you have questions or if you would like to help the association, please reach out at:
Alumni Rubika Game 2017
Bureau - President
Alumni Rubika Game 2017
Bureau - Treasurer
Alumni Rubika Video Game 2017
Bureau - Deputy member
Alumni Rubika Design 2017
Bureau - Secretary
Alumni Rubika Animation 2018
Bureau - Deputy member