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Forum Design, mode d'emploi

DMDE, organised in partnership with Lemens & Partners - with the support of the Association Design Conseil (ADC) - and France Design Education (FDE), will be held on Wednesday 7 April 2021 at the Cité des Sciences et de l'Industrie.
This not-to-be-missed event for young design graduates aims to facilitate their professional integration.
This subject is highly topical given the context in which we are evolving: the health situation is making the search for a first job for young designers entering the job market drastically more complex. It is therefore quite natural that DMDE 2021 will focus mainly on this theme of employability in times of crisis.

To find out more about the event, click here:

The full programme, which is currently being drawn up, will be unveiled at the end of February/early March. In the meantime, the first names of speakers and their proposals for this day are to be discovered progressively on our social networks: LinkedIn, Facebook, Twitter & Instagram.

Planned in person, (we are trying to organise the live broadcasting of certain events to reach a large audience), DMDE can be completely dematerialised if health conditions oblige it.

But it will take place in any case, so keep this date of April 7th in mind!


Wednesday 7th April 2021
Online event

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Wednesday 7th April 2021
Online event
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